Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's of my favorite holidays. I know this may come as a surprise to many of you haha, but today we decided to go back to my favorite era....the '70's (....I mean really where would we be without the Bee Gee's?).This morning we took Scooter over to the hospital for the annual Halloween daycare parade. There were tons of kid and lots of admirer's at the parade and everyone just loved Corbie's costume. Layne and I were absolutely amazed that he kept his wig and glasses on the entire time without a fight. He got lots of candy and I think that he had a good time.

Once I got off work, Layne and I decided to join in on the fun and like a big bunch of dorks dressed up as well.

We spent the night trick or treating at all our friend and families houses. Along the way we met up with Ironman (Brycen) and the most adorable little stinker....Cierra! I'm not sure any of them really knew what was going on or why their crazy parents had them dressed in these funny outfits but they were really good sports about it. Happy Halloween everyone!!!!

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