Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Corbin's 1st Time Swimming Alone

Today we got invited to go swimming with the Hassell family over at Carl and Marilou's house. It was a beautiful day today and Corbin and I were excited to be getting out of the house to do something fun.

I decided today to try out the "yellow inner-tube suit" again today. When I first bought it and tried it on him he had a meltdown until I took it off. I knew that Mindy had one and sometimes her kids used it so I thought there was a chance that it might fly today.

At first, he wasn't excited in the least to put it on and it required a little help from Mindy to get it on, but once he was in the water he settled down a bit. Initially he was unstable and kept tipping forward so I just held onto him for a while and walked around the pool. It only took about 10 or 15 min. until he started to get the hang of it. From then on he wanted nothing to do with me.

He spent the good part of the next several hours swimming around the pool all by himself. He was so proud that he could do it by himself and loved his freedom. I just sat on the edge of the pool and watched in amazement and took lots of pictures to show to Dad. He is growing up so fast.... I can't hardly believe it.

We both had a great time today. I really enjoyed being able to hang out and talk with Mindy, bask in the sun, and watch our kids have a great time together. Thanks Hassell's for the wonderful day!

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