Friday, September 12, 2008

Utah State Fair

Today we took Scooter to the Utah State Fair. We had tons of fun looking at all the animals, riding the rides and eating all the greasy, unhealthy foods we could get our hands on. We took Corb's on the big yellow slide and also on one of the little kiddie rides that "looked" like tons of fun, but both of them only served to scare the pants right off of him. He tried to be brave but I could feeling him shakin' in his boots the whole time. I think that he thought that we were trying to kill him! He also loved LOOKING at the animals, but he didn't want them coming anywhere near him. Daddy put him on his shoulders and he felt much more comfortable observing the strange stinky creatures from way up there. Either way I think that we could all agree that it was a very fun day and we look forward to going again next year.

1 comment:

rkkorth said...

Ang-your blog looks really cute! I am glad to see it's up a running. I love all of the pictures. I am a big fan of State Fairs....greasy food, stinky animals, and trashy people (at least that pretty much sums up the Eastern Idaho State Fair) What more can you ask for?